Rust Programming: A New Era of System Programming

Jellyfish Technologies
5 min readFeb 1, 2024


Developers who have been avid visitors to Stack Overflow probably know that Rust is emerging as a modern and reliable system programming language.

If you don’t know what is a system programming language, then let’s get versed with it first.

A system programming language is the one that is used to develop the operating system. Traditionally, custom software development solutions use programming languages like C and C++ frequently for system programming and low-level tasks that provide high control over hardware resources.

But wait, what is Rust language that we are talking about?

Rust programming is a modern language for system programming, game development, networking services, web development, embedded systems and IoT, blockchain development, security tools, cloud infrastructure, and much more.

Developed by Mozilla in 2010, this modern language is proving its excellence among other robust system programming languages by limiting the concerns of security vulnerabilities, error codes, memory errors, data races, memory safety, and buffer overflows which are highly common with other languages.

As a result, even the top tech companies, such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Discord have adopted the Rust language in a shorter period. The Rust programming language is a fast, reliable, and memory-safe modern system programming language, which gives high-performance and low-level control.

Some Unique Features of Rust Programming

So, what are the key concepts of the Rust programming language?

The power concepts of Rust programming are the ownership and the borrowing mechanisms that safeguard the memory and deliver high performance simultaneously.

For critical infrastructure and performance-sensitive applications, such as game engines, embedded systems, and operating systems, Rust comes as a savior that provides a robust environment for achieving safer software without compromising on performance.

As a modern systems programming language, Rust programming language has a long range of features that offer developers a modern and reliable tool for memory safety, performance, concurrency support, and large community support for secure and efficient software development that adds value to the overall performance of the system.

Let’s quickly go through the key benefits of the Rust programming language.

Memory Safety

The programming language, Rust enforces strict rules while the use of references and pointers to prevent common programming and memory-related errors like buffer overflows, data races, and differences. In Rust, memory management is highly efficient due to the unique feature of borrow checkers and the ownership mechanism. The major reason why custom software development solutions are interested in Rust system programming is its high commitment to safeguarding memory.


The ownership and borrowing mechanism of Rust programming enables developers to write code and allow concurrent programming. Concurrent programming in Rust allows a system to execute multiple tasks simultaneously to optimize the resources, improve performance, and ensure thread safety. Features like lightweight threads and messaging systems enable developers to write code safely and do concurrent programming in Rust conveniently.


Rust delivers high-performance coding in terms of speed and resource utilization compared to the traditional languages used for system programming like C and C++. A combination of design choices, language features, and optimizations enables developers to achieve high performance without putting safety on the pedestal.

No Garbage Collection

Rust surpasses other modern programming languages as it lacks a garbage collector. Due to its borrowing and ownership features, it efficiently manages the memory at the time of compiling and saving the runtime overhead. The Rust syntax overview showcases features that help in prioritizing performance, security, and modern programming practices while developing an application.


With a growing and expanding ecosystem supporting it with active libraries and tools, it resolves the issue of writing codes and removing dependencies. Cargo, the package manager for the system language enables developers to simplify dependency management and project building. Furthermore, clear documentation helps developers learn Rust quickly and efficiently.

Cross-platform Compatibility

Being cross-platform gives additional versatility to the programming language, Rust. The language can be used by developers to write code that runs on multiple different platforms and operating systems without modifying the code. Presently, top software development services are inclined to develop software that runs across various platforms and shows high compatibility.

WebAssembly Support (Wasm)

Rust development has strong support from WebAssembly that empowers developers to write high-performance code that builds web applications with near-native functionality.


Applications, where security is the top priority can use Rust programming for a more secure code. Its underlying emphasis on memory safety and continuous attempts to prevent programming errors make it a suitable programming language for more security and high-performance demands. Businesses are rushing to software development services that can build robust software with high security and performance, a prime reason for heavily investing in Rust programming.

Error Handling

Embedded with a robust system to identify errors and handle them gracefully. Result and Option types features provided by the language help developers to limit errors and improve the code readability. The Rust language with features that are groundbreaking and unique, is becoming highly used by big tech companies to leverage their resources for critical applications.

Wide Compatibility

The programming language, Rust is highly compatible with other programming languages like C and C++. Its easy integration with other languages enables developers to leverage the existing codebases and extensive libraries.

Will Rust System Language Replace Other Languages?

Any application that will arise in the future will require security and prevention of runtime overhead for efficient memory management and high performance.

This demands a reliable language as a potential solution to give high efficiency and better performance at writing clear codes that are reusable and well-maintained.

For instance, being a modern system programming language that removes the hassle of regular garbage cleaning for effective memory management. Due to its capability for handling computationally intensive tasks, Rust can be and is currently used for critical components of data analysis software.

In recent years, Python and other complex languages have dominated the domain of artificial intelligence and machine learning, but currently, Rust is becoming an interesting choice for developing AI software for streamlined operations. However, it may be difficult to say that Rust will replace popular AI languages like Python and TensorFlow for the entire AI pipeline. However, there are some components where high security and performance will be unskippable. Rust can effortlessly cover these concerns and cater to building more secure AI apps.

Additionally, replacing C and C++ for Rust in the upcoming years is still doubtful. The major reason behind this is the legacy codebases and developers’ expertise that come with these traditional languages. Rewriting large codebases in a new language like Rust will be time-consuming and effort-intensive.


In summary, Rust provides developers with a powerful combination of memory safety, performance, concurrency support, and a supportive community, making it a valuable tool for building reliable, efficient, and secure software.

Moreover, from the security perspective, Rust programming surfaces as a better option for not-so-modern programming languages that can incur code errors while working with critical applications. Its unique features like no garbage collector and maintaining low-level operations are excellent in making code reliable and efficient.

In short, Rust comes as an expressive language with a modern syntax that optimizes developers’ efficiency and productivity while building critical software applications.



Jellyfish Technologies

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